SuperFin Aquatics Inc.

Bronze Star

This course is designed to prepare candidates for Bronze Medallion by introducing fitness, water rescue and first aid components. Prerequisite ~ 12 years of age

Bronze Medallion

This course focuses on understanding the lifesaving principles embodied in the four components of water rescue education - judgment, knowledge, skill and fitness. Rescuers learn tows/carries and defense/release methods in preparation for rescues of conscious and unconscious victims. Lifesavers also develop endurance in a timed swim. Prerequisite ~ 13 years of age or Bronze Star

Bronze Cross

Advanced lifeguard training; learn safety and rescue situations, tows & carries, release methods, spinal injuries, victim rescues; develop endurance and stroke efficiency. Prerequisite ~ Bronze Medallion and Emergency First Aid

Adult Lessons

Individualized lessons are planned in such a way the participant aims to reach pre-determined aquatic goals. Instructor and client discuss goals before lessons in order to plan lessons that will best meet their requirements. Whether it be overcoming a fear of the water or swimming for fitness we can customize a program to suit your needs.

Ask about our themed birthday parties for all ages!!!

Need a lifeguard for your summer pool parties!!! Take the worry out of watching and let us do the work so you can enjoy your party.

For more information on the children’s fitness tax credit visit the following websites: